Fashion Fridays – #ChangeBrazil



We think it is very fashionable to stand up for your rights and we’ve been extremely proud of Brazilians standing up and demanding attention.

We hope great change continues to happen in Brazil!

Destination Mondays – Anchorage, Alaska

When I think of Alaska I think of very cool temperatures and wintry conditions.

Anchorage, Alaska



But recently they’ve had record-breaking high temperatures topping 80°F (approximately 26°C).

Goose Lake in Anchorage, Alaska/The StarPheonix

Goose Lake in Anchorage, Alaska/The StarPheonix

Add together the gorgeous warm weather and the approximate 19 hours of daylight for the summer and you get a very interesting untapped market for Brazilian bikinis . . . ok, maybe that’s a crazy thought but we’d sure love to experience these conditions firsthand.

Alaska is called the Land of the Midnight Sun but somehow I don’t think there’s a lot of midnight sun tanning going on although it does help to support our theory that …

It’s Always Sunny Somewhere!